Offseason Events
The Las Guerillas participate in other events too that are not part of OCCRA or FRC. Though these events may be
independent from OCCRA and FRC, they may use game parts and rules within the event itself.
Team 469, the Las Guerrillas, as well as Team 33, the Killer Bees, and Team 2834, the Bionic Black Hawks, host the All-Girls Competition every year at Bloomfield Hills High School. Using the previous FRC season's game rules and field, teams from Oakland County and beyond participate in matches with robots which are driven by an all-girl team and patched up by an all-girl pit-crew. The competition is designed to encourage female involvement within the STEM area, since female involvement is low in that area. Through the emphasis of women in the playing field, equality in terms of involvement in the area can be achieved!
Team 469 also participates in the MARC competition yearly. The Monroe Area Robotics Competition is where newer team members get the chance to participate in the Drive Team and Pit Crew. Because positions in both the Drive Team and Pit Crew are limited, this is where the new ones come to experience the Pit and Drive Team roles so they can choose if they want to play the part in the future. The competition, similar to the All-Girls Competition, uses the previous FRC season's rules and field to play.
Along with MARC and the All-Girls Competition, Team 469 regularly travels to the Indiana Robotics Invitational.